Promotora (pro-mo-tor-a): community health worker who is rising up to lead, advocate, educate, mentor, and translate health programming in their own community
After months of sharing recipes and shelter-in-place screen shots of potted plants, our team of Promotoras gathered in the fields for a healing harvest. Under the wide-open skies at Tara Firma farm with Mandalion Designs we knelt together in chamomile, tulsi and yarrow. Lulu called us together to give thanks to the four directions and offer our thanks to the plants. Her daughter and grandchildren helped to fill baskets of medicinal herbs to distribute to community. Angeles brought along a huge bag of dried comfrey (the primary ingredient in her healing salve…highly valued by her friends and family) to share. From between the rows we gathered Omega rich Purslane, while Norma shared her recipes for steaming the wild greens in salsa verde. Close to the earth: the smell of the sweet herbs, the scratchy summer grass, the sounds of blackbirds gathering to drive off a hawk were the real medicine.
We are honored to bring together this powerful group of women who heal with plants. All of our upcoming workshops will be led by Promotoras! ¡Sí se puede!
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